Etwinning learning lab settembre- dicembre 2012

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  • Learning Events are short intensive online events on a number of themes. They are led by an expert and include active work and discussion among teachers across Europe. Below is a list of upcoming events for this term. An application notice will be displayed 1 week before the event is due to begin. For more information click here.

  • Integrating eTwinning into the curriculum

    Date: 24.09.2012 to 05.10.2012


    Expert: Meeri Sild  Language: English

    Applications open: 17 September

    Participation in projects is often considered to be an extra task that teachers and their students do after lessons. Have you ever considered how to integrate project tasks into your curriculum? Let's find out how to do it, how to create cross-curriculum activities and which tools might help you in this process. 


  • Art, history and philosophy for eTwinning projects

    Date: 01.10.2012 to 13.10.2012


    Expert: Adam Stepinski       Language: Polish


    Applications open: 24 September


    This event will deal with the ways of exploiting art, history and philosophy in eTwinning, including - how to tailor and conduct a successful interdisciplinary project based on the three subjects. 


  • Creating Music in eTwinning

    Date: 05.10.2012 to 19.10.2012


    Expert: Kurt Schlegel     Language: English

    Applications open: 28 September 

    Do you need music for your presentation or project website, but you are not a musician? Do you need sounds for your video in your TwinSpace, but you know it’s not legal just to use your mp3-collection. I this workshop I will show you, how to find and produce music, legally and royalty free. even if you can't play an instrument.


  • ‘Uniendo los puntos’

    Date: 08.10.2012 to 18.10.2012


    Expert: Pedro Moreno     Language: Spanish

    Applications open: 1 October

    2.0 collaborative tools and hosting spaces aimed at the creation and edition of multimedia classroom activities. The learning event pursues to analyse the teaching possibilities of these resources to develop an eTwinning project through a game based methodology and to encourage interaction and collaboration among the participants.  


  • Future School - School in 2020

    Date: 05.11.2012 to 22.11.2012


    Expert: Tiina Sarisalmi    Language: English

    Applications open: 31 October 

    How will we learn in 2020? In what kind of environments will learning take place? What will be the role of the teacher in the networked school?  What will be defined as key skills and contents in the curriculum of 2020? - In this Learning Event we’ll discuss and share ideas and create scenarios about the school of the future. What would you like it to be like? 


  • Xplore biotechnology in health science through eTwinning projects

    Date: 12.11.2012 to 23.11.2012


    Expert: Rosina Malagrida  Language: English

    Applications open: 5 November

    This event will present innovative ways to teach applications and research lines of biotechnology in health science using resources from the Xplore Health project. The event will introduce games, videos and virtual experiments that teachers can use in eTwinning projects to introduce the different advances that biotechnologies have brought to the society, and the techniques that are being used in current health research. Teachers will also have the opportunity to be trained on how to organise collaborative debates on the ethical, legal and social implications that surround biotechnology.


  • eTwinning and Vocational Training

    Date: 14.11.2012 to 28.11.2012


    Expert: Gregor Berger    Language: English

    Applications open: 7 November 

    In this event you will learn how eTwinning projects can be implemented in  vocational education subjects  through the use of Web 2.0 tools.  We will also explore project planning as well as ideas for the effective the coordination of the different partners.


  • Motivating Maths

    Date: 26.11.2012 to 07.12.2012


    Expert: Siegfried Maillard    Language: French

    Applications open: 19 November 

     This event will focus on different ways to give meaning to Maths inside and outside the classroom. Participants will share their experiences and approaches to motivating pupils in Maths class, and explore ways of confronting them with concrete, interdisciplinary examples of Maths in the real world. Key factors in initiating European projects will also be addressed.  


  • Using Multimedia in eTwinning

    Date: 28.11.2012 to 12.12.2012


    Expert: Karl Malbert    Language: Swedish

    Applications open:    date to be announced

    The aim of this Learning Event is to inspire teachers to use multimedia with their pupils in eTwinning projects and other pedagogical activities. During this event teachers of all age groups will learn how to use cartoons, mind maps, radio and video in their eTwinning work.

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